
Enhanced Efficiencies.

TaskForceCO2 is a PC Power Management software application that offers more advanced features and customization compared to standard Windows power management, all from one convenient power management console. By fine-tuning settings users can optimize savings leading to far greater efficiencies.

Save money.
Reduce emissions.


Unlimited PCs Single Site License!

Special Offer

$495per Year
  • Unlimited PCs
  • Single Site License
  • Includes License, Support & Upgrades
  • Optional $295 Renewal annually
  • RRP $995 Special Offer $495

Multi-Site Licenses available. Please contact us for quote.

It’s all about reducing energy waste!

TaskForceCO2 also provides detailed financial and CO2 savings reports allowing users to track and analyze energy consumption from PCs. This can help organizations clearly identify the financial and CO2 savings they have generated and help make informed decisions regards energy waste. At the same time it is a totally self liquidating application that pays for itself in in short order.

Comprehensive Energy Reporting.

TaskForceCO2 is a valuable investment for organizations seeking to maximize energy efficiency, reduce costs and improve overall system performance.

If you think about it, PCs are left on all over the world, doing nothing but wasting energy and increasing CO2 emissions.

You only have to look at the media to see how big an issue energy waste is, especially with some Countries increasing costs by up to 39% in the last few months. A major source of this waste is from powering millions of PCs that no one is using.

In today’s economy, no one can afford to waste money powering PCs that are doing nothing. At a potential cost of over $200 a year each, if hundreds are left on it’s not only a big waste of cash but it needlessly increases CO2 emissions too.

With TaskForceCO2 you can easily deploy energy saving schemes to PCs to maximize on saving opportunities. The schemes can be as simple as ‘shutdown this PC at 6pm if no one is logged on’ to multi power events per day and per group of computers.

At just $495 for an Unlimited PC Single Site License, it’s virtually impossible not to save substantially more!

Now that’s what we call a saving!

Free 14 Day Trial

TaskForceCO2 automates the waking up and shutting down of PCs. Yes, you can do it with scripts or policies but that’s limited, time-consuming, doesn’t give you any Financial or CO2 reports, won’t easily give you multiple power events per day and won’t let you know when PCs don’t shut down.

With TaskForceCO2 installed, Organizations can stop this waste in its tracks, and with full reports on average Financial and CO2 Savings it’s easy to see the point they reach a return on investment … it’s often in less than a couple of weeks!

Top 20 Benefits of TaskForceCO2

You can get immediately by installing

  • It’s massively easier than messing around with scripts

  • It’s the only way to confirm PCs actually shut down

  • You will save your Organization money

  • You will reduce your Organizations CO2 Emissions

  • You will reduce risks from equipment being left on overnight

  • You will significantly reduce your Organizations Carbon Footprint

  • You will add a level of security, a switched off PC is instantly more secure

  • You will help reduce heat in the office, thereby reducing reliance on air-con

  • You will have an automated system that never gets forgotten about

  • Comply with insurance clauses relating to equipment being left on

  • You will reduce calls for support with regular re-boots

  • You will prolong equipment life with regular shutdowns

  • Users will start work quicker with auto wake ups

  • You will be doing your bit to combat Climate change

  • Add a vital addition to your energy audit

  • No need to educate and re-educate PC users about the need to shut down

  • Shut down PCs out of date device drivers are preventing from being shutdown

  • Add to your Organizations Corporate Social Responsibility program

  • Helps with ISO 9001 14001, 50001 and management system compliance

  • Print reports for senior management on financial and CO2 savings

What does a Site License cover?2024-06-10T11:11:20+00:00

We understand that there is no point in implementing a cost saving exercise that can in some cases cost more than the likely savings. With TaskForceCO2 you get a completely Unlimited Site License that covers any number of PCs at one site for a fixed price. If you have more than 1 Site, just contact us for a quote.

Our site license covers any number of PCs at one address. You can install as many copies of the console at one address and control the power settings for an unlimited amount of PCs at the same site. You can purchase as many site licenses as you require.

How does TaskForceCO2 save Money?2022-06-29T08:49:11+00:00

PCs use electricity. The less electricity you use, the less you pay in electricity charges. By using TaskForceCO2 to automate the shutting down of unused PCs you maximize the savings.

How can we reduce CO2 emissions with TaskForceCO2?2022-06-29T08:48:33+00:00

The less time your computers are left on when no one is using them means the less electricity you use. Using less electricity by default reduces your emissions. We calculate the average emissions based on the PC wattage and time elapsed since the PC was shut down and then waken up with or without TaskForceCO2.

How does TaskForceCO2 find our PCs?2022-06-29T08:47:56+00:00

You can enumerate the TaskForceCO2 console with your PCs by either Active Directory (pulling down Organizational Units), Network neighborhood, or IP address. All the PCs will be displayed in your console. You can then choose to remove certain PCs or move PCs into your own groups defined for Power Management purposes. It does not represent a copy of Active Directory for that purpose as you can remove PCs from TaskForceCO2 while still keeping the in your Active Directory.

Will TaskForceCO2 shut down PCs that get stuck with conventional methods2022-06-29T08:46:35+00:00

Yes. Often, PCs fail to shut down with scripts and policies which is due to out-of-date device drivers or software that hasn’t finished properly. As TaskForceCO2 has no reliance on Windows shutdown you can be safe in the knowledge all your PCs will shut down when required.

Are there any other benefits from regular shut downs2022-06-29T08:46:03+00:00

Shutting down PCs on a regular basis is good practice as it resets essential resources and therefore reduces calls for support when PCs lock up or become nonresponsive. At the same time, you save money by prolonging the equipment’s life.

Download your FREE Trial Today!

No Credit Card is required.

The best way to see if TaskForceCO2 will make a substantial difference to your Organization is to try it!
We offer a Free 14-day Trial copy that works on up to 250 PCs. No Credit Card is needed to try it.
The Trial gives you all the information you need on projected average savings so you can make an informed decision regards purchasing. It is possible to save more money during the Trial than a License to deploy in your Organization costs!
Take a look Today!

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